Our History

Company History

FABUD WKB S.A. was established in June 2007 as result of a merger between Przedsiębiorstwo Kompleksowej Realizacji Budownictwa “FABUD” S.A. (P.K.R.B. “FABUD” S.A.) and Wytwórnia Konstrukcji Betonowych S.A. (WKB S.A.), thereby combining the experience and technical potential of both companies.

The company’s beginnings date back to 1973, when P.K.R.B. FABUD S.A. conducted complex execution of housing construction in the entire Upper Silesia. It thereby became specialised in the performance of shell works and infrastructure development works using the most state-of-the-art technologies of executing reinforced-concrete and sewage-related works. Since 1994, P.K.R.B. FABUD has been also building multi-level garages and parking lots as well as participating in the construction of national roads and motorways.


WKB S.A. was established in April 2003 and based its activity on the productive assets of P.K.R.B. FABUD S.A. in Siemianowice Śląskie. The Company’s economic activity was focused mainly on the manufacturing and assembly of oversized reinforced-concrete prefabricated elements for buildings and road construction purposes.

The combination of the technical and financial potential of both Companies created a solid foundation for the Company’s dynamic growth in the subsequent years. Investments undertaken in the Company between 2007 and 2009 helped it become one of the biggest and most state-of-the-art concrete prefabrication companies in Poland.