Our Shareholders


We would like to inform you that the new provisions of the Commercial Companies Code, which gradually come into force starting January 1, 2020, stipulate that bearer shares and registered shares of joint-stock companies and limited joint-stock partnerships must be in the form of an electronic entry in the shareholder register. Starting from January 1, 2021, all previously issued share certificates will lose their legal effect by operation of law, and the rights arising from the shares will be subject to disclosure in the shareholder register. The company will regularly post updates about the next stages of the share dematerialization process.

Company details

FABUD Wytwórnia Konstrukcji Betonowych S.A.

Wyzwolenia 2
41-103 Siemianowice Śląskie
Silesian Voivodeship

National Court Register
VIII Commercial Division in Katowice nr 0000052577

Share capital, paid in full:
11.161.874,88 PLN

NIP 643-000-01-58

REGON 643-000-01-58

