
Plant Manufacturing Control Certificate

According to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 305/2011 of 9 March 2011, specifying the harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, “FABUD” WKB S.A, being the manufacturer, develops the performance declaration as result of executing activities as part of specific systems for the evaluation and verification of performance and grants its products with the CE marking.

Due to the required and relevant product compliance systems, the Company possesses a certified Plant Manufacturing Control (ZKP). The ZKP evaluation and verification as well as the periodical control are conducted by Bureau Veritas Certification, a unit certified in the European system for this type of tasks.

The certificate possessed by the Company confirms that all relevant requirements for the fulfilment of product compliance, specified in the harmonised standards, have been applied and that the products meet all requirements applicable to them, thereby authorising the Manufacturer or its agent to include CE marking on its products.

Certyfikat Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji
Certyfikat Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji